Modelling facility for field-average formation pressure  at any time moment  as response to production flowrates history:

 A_e \, h_e \int_{p_i}^p \phi_e(p) \, c_t(p) \, dp  = \Delta Q (t) =  Q^{\downarrow}_t(t) - Q^{\uparrow}_t(t) + Q^{\downarrow}_{GC}(t) + Q^{\downarrow}_{AQ}(t)


full-field cumulative offtakes by the time moment

full-field cumulative intakes by the time moment

cumulative volumetric inflow from Gas Cap Expansion

cumulative volumetric inflow from Aquifer Expansion

The MatBal equation   is often complemented by constant PI  model of Bottom-Hole Pressure ( for producers and  for injectors):

p^{\uparrow}_{wf, k}(t) = p(t) - {J^{\uparrow}_k}^{-1} \cdot \frac{dQ^{\uparrow}_k}{dt}

p^{\downarrow}_{wf, \, j}(t) = p(t) -  {J^{\downarrow}_j}^{-1} \cdot \frac{dQ^{\downarrow}_j}{dt}


BHP in -th producer

BHP in -th injector

cumulative offtakes from -th producer by the time moment

cumulative intakes to -th injector by the time moment

In practice there is no way to measure the external influx  and  so that one need to model them and calibrate model parameters to fit available data on production flowrates history and formation pressure data records. 

There is a list of various analytical Aquifer Drive and  Gas Cap Drive drive models which are normally based on the relations:

Gas Cap Drive @model Aquifer Drive @model

Q^{\downarrow}_{GC}(t) = F_{GC}(p(t))

Q^{\downarrow}_{AQ}(t) = F_{AQ}(p(t))


In some specific cases equation  can be explicitly integrated:

Low pressure dry gas

p(t)  = p_i + \frac{\Delta Q(t)}{V_e \cdot c_t}

p(t)  = p_i \exp \left[ \frac{\Delta Q(t)}{V_e \cdot c_t} \right]


drainage volume

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream /  Production / Subsurface Production / Field Study & Modelling / Production Analysis

Material Balance Analysis (0D or MatBal)