A specific type of Cement Logging based on the analysis of the decay and arrival time of the induced acoustic impact.

There are three major types of Acoustic Cement Bond Logging:

Cement Bond Logging (CBL)
Variable Density Logging (VDL)
Radial Cement Bond Tool Logging (RBT) Cement Map

Modern tool designs combine all three in one housing.

The tool normally includes three components:

1Acoustic transmitter
2Near receiver located at 3 ft away from transmitter and consists of  few segment receivers to pick up radial distribution of acoustic response (RBT) and integral response (CBL)
3Far sensor located at 5 ft from transmitter and records the full waveform (VDL)

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream /  Data Acquisition / Well & Reservoir Surveillance / Well logging / Cased-Hole Logging / Well Integrity Logging / Cement Sheath Logging

Temperature Cement Logging ][ Gamma Density Cement Logging ]

Well & Log Analysis ]


Hua Wang, Understanding acoustic methods for cement bond logging, 2016, doi.org/10.1121/1.4947511   ...  [pdf]