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The Capacitance-Resistance Model (CRM) is a set of mathematical models relating production rate to the bottomhole pressure and offset injection rate.

In case the bottom-hole pressure data is not available it is considered constant over time.

The CRM is trained over historical records of production rates, injection rates and bottom-hole pressure variation.

The major assumptions in CRM model are:

  • productivity index of producers stays constant in time

  • drainage volume of producers-injectors system is finite and constant in time

  • total formation-fluid compressibility stays constant in time


  • Assess current production performance

    • current distribution of recovery against expectations

    • current status and trends of recovery against expectations

    • current status and trends of reservoir depletion against expectations
    • current status and trends of water flood efficiency against expectations

    • compare performance of different wells or different groups of wells 

  • Identify and prioritize surveillance opportunities

  • Identify and prioritize redevelopment opportunities


  • fast-track

  • based on the robust input data

  • does not involve full-field 3D dynamic modelling and associated assumptions


CRM does not pretend to predict reserves distribution as dynamic model does.

It only provides hints for misperforming wells and sectors which need a further focus.

CRM can only be tuned for injectors with a rich history of rates variations.

CRM only works at long times and only in areas with limited drainage volume.


CRM trains linear correlation between variation of production rates against variation of injection rates with account of bottom-hole pressure history in producers.

against material balance and require current FDP volumetrics, PVT and SCAL models. 

The CRM has certain specifics for oil producers, water injectors, gas injectors and field/sector analysis. 

CRM – Single-Tank Capacitance Resistance Model

The CRM model is trying

The simulation is based on the following equation:

(1) q^{\uparrow}(t) = f \, q^{\downarrow}(t) - \tau \cdot \frac{ d q^{\uparrow}}{ dt } - \beta \cdot \frac{d p_{wf}}{dt}



total surface production


total surface injection


average bottomhole pressure in producers


unitless constant, showing the share of injection which actually contributes to production


time-measure constant, related to well productivity [ s/Pa ]


storage-measure constant, related to reservoir volume and compressibility [ m3/Pa ]

The  \tau and  \beta constants are related to some primary well and reservoir characteristics:

(2) \beta = c_t \, V_\phi
(3) \tau = \frac{\beta}{J} = \frac{c_t V_\phi}{J}



total formation-fluid compressibility

V_\phi = \phi \, V_R

drainable reservoir volume


total rock volume within the drainage area


average effective reservoir porosity


total fluid productivity index

Total formation compressibility is a linear sum of reservoir/fluid components:

(4) c_t = c_r + s_w c_w + s_o c_w + s_g c_g



rock compressibility

c_w, \, c_o, \, c_g

water, oil, gas compressibilities

s_w, \, s_o, \, s_g

water, oil, gas formation saturations


The first assumption of CRM is that productivity index of producers stays constant in time:

(5) J = \frac{q_{\uparrow}(t)}{p_r(t) - p_{wf}(t)} = \rm const

which can re-written as explicit formula for formation pressure:

(6) p_r(t) = p_{wf}(t) + J^{-1} q_{\uparrow}(t)

The second assumption is that drainage volume of producers-injectors system is finite and constant in time:

(7) V_\phi = V_{rocks} \phi = \rm const

The third assumption is that total formation-fluid compressibility stays constant in time:

(8) c_t \equiv \frac{1}{V_{\phi}} \cdot \frac{dV_{\phi}}{dp} = \rm const

which can be easily integrated:

(9) V_{\phi}(t) =V^\circ_{\phi} \cdot \exp \big[ - c_t \cdot [p_i - p_r(t)] \big]

where p_i is field-average initial formation pressure, V^\circ_{\phi} is initial drainage volume,

p_r(t) – field-average formation pressure at time moment t,

V_{\phi}(t) is drainage volume at time moment t.

(10) \frac{dV_{\phi}}{dp} = c_t \, V_{\phi} \ \cdot

The change in drainage volume dV_{\phi} is leading to formation pressure variation

(11) c_t \equiv \frac{1}{V_{\phi}} \cdot \frac{dV_{\phi}}{dp} = \frac{1}{V_{\phi}} \cdot \frac{1}{p_i - p_r(t) } \cdot \Bigg[ \int_0^t q_{\uparrow}(\tau) d\tau - f \int_0^t q_{\downarrow}(\tau) d\tau \Bigg] = \rm const

The last equation can be rewritten as:

(12) \int_0^t q_{\uparrow}(\tau) d\tau - f \int_0^t q_{\downarrow}(\tau) d\tau = c_t \, V_\phi \, [p_i - p_r(t)]

and differentiated

(13) q_{\uparrow}(\tau) = f q_{\downarrow}(\tau) - c_t \, V_\phi \, \frac{d p_r(t)}{d t}

and substituting p_r(t) from productivity equation (6):

(14) q_{\uparrow}(\tau) = f q_{\downarrow}(\tau) - c_t \, V_\phi \, \bigg[ \frac{d p_{wf}(t)}{d t} + J^{-1} \frac{d q_{\uparrow}}{d t} \bigg]

which leads to (1).

The target function is:

(15) E[\tau, \beta, f] = \sum_k \big[ q^{\uparrow}(t_k) - \tilde q^{\uparrow}(t_k) \big]^2 \rightarrow \min

The constraints are:

(16) \tau \geq 0 , \quad \beta \geq 0, \quad 0 \leq f \leq 1

CRMP – Multi-tank Producer-based Capacitance Resistance Model

(17) q^{\uparrow}_j (t) = \sum_i^{n_i} f_{ij} q^{\downarrow}_i(t) - \tau_j \cdot \frac{ d q^{\uparrow}_j}{ dt } - \beta_j \cdot \frac{d p_j}{dt}

The target function is:

(18) E[\tau, \beta, f] = \sum_k \sum_j \big[ q^{\uparrow}_j(t_k) - \tilde q^{\uparrow}_j(t_k) \big]^2 \rightarrow \min

The constraints are:

(19) \tau_j \geq 0 , \quad \beta_j \geq 0, \quad f_{ij} \geq 0 , \quad \sum_i^{N^{\uparrow}} f_{ij} \leq 1

ICRM  – Multi-Tank Integrated Capacitance Resistance Model

(20) Q^{\uparrow}_j (t) = \sum_i^{n_i} f_{ij} Q^{\downarrow}_i(t) - \tau_j \cdot \big[ q^{\uparrow}_j(t) - q^{\uparrow}_j(0) \big] - \beta_j \cdot \big[ p_j(t) - p_j(0) \big]

The target function is:

(21) E[\tau, \beta, f] = \sum_k \sum_j \big[ Q^{\uparrow}_j(t_k) - \tilde Q^{\uparrow}_j(t_k) \big]^2 \rightarrow \min

The constraints are:

(22) \tau_j \geq 0 , \quad \beta_j \geq 0, \quad f_{ij} \geq 0 , \quad \sum_i^{N^{\uparrow}} f_{ij} \leq 1


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