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See Surface roughness for more data on typical values for various materials and processing conditions.

Interpolated full-range model


The most popular full-range model of Darcy friction factor is:


LaTeX Math Inline
body--uriencoded--f_%7BCW%7D(\mbox%7BRe%7D, \epsilon)

Colebrook–White correlation

LaTeX Math Inline
body--uriencoded--\displaystyle k = \frac%7B f_%7BCW%7D( \mbox%7BRe%7D =4,000, \, \epsilon) -0.03048%7D%7B1,900%7D

interpolation multiplier between laminar and turbulent flow regimes

Churchill full-range model


For many practical applications the Churchill correlation provides a fair (< 2 % accuracy and improving towards laminar flow) estimation of  Darcy friction factor 

LaTeX Math Inline
 for all pipe flow regimes:


Physics / Fluid Dynamics / Pipe Flow Dynamics / Darcy–Weisbach equation / Darcy friction factor 

Surface roughness ]



Moody’s Friction Factor Calculator @
