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LaTeX Math Block
r_e = 0.28 \ \frac{ \sqrt{

\Big( \frac{k_{\perp 2}}{k_{\perp 1}}  \Big)^{1/2} D_{\perp 1} ^2

\Big( \frac{k_{\perp 1}}{k_{\perp 2}}  \Big)^{1/2} D_{\perp 2} ^2

} }

{ \Big( \frac{k_{\perp 2}}{k_{\perp 1}}  \Big)^{1/4} +  \Big( \frac{k_{\perp 1}}{k_{\perp 2}}  \Big)^{1/4}}


LaTeX Math Inline
body{\bf D} = \{ D_{\perp 1}, D_{\perp 2} \}
 – dimensions of the grid cell around well in transversal plane to the well axis. 

Strictly speaking, the above formula is  only valid in case well penetrates through the whole length of grid cell 

LaTeX Math Inline
body\bf D
 perpendicular to the cell faces.

There are many modifications and generalization of the Peaceman formula but in the most practical cases it works very well when suffucciently sufficiently fine LGR is applied.

In particular case of isotropic permeability 

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyk_{\perp 1} = k_{\perp 2}
 the Peaceman effecxtive radius is given by:
