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Rate of Unbiased Geothermal Temperature Profile 

LaTeX Math Inline
body--uriencoded--T_G%7BGN%7D(%7B\bf r%7D)
change along True Vertical Direction with no account of effects of the seasonal/daily temperature variations ( which are only noticeable above Neutral Temperature Layer ) 
LaTeX Math Inline

LaTeX Math Block
{\rm Grad} T_{GN}({\bf r}) = \frac{\partial T_{GN}}{\partial z}

It can be estimated as ratio of true vertical component of regional Earth's Heat Flux 

LaTeX Math Inline
body--uriencoded--j_z(%7B\bf r%7D)
to the subsurface Thermal Conductivity 
LaTeX Math Inline
body--uriencoded--\lambda_e(%7B\bf r%7D)
 at a certain subsurface point 
LaTeX Math Inline
body--uriencoded--%7B\bf r%7D

LaTeX Math Block
G_T{\rm Grad} T_{GN}({\bf r}) = \frac{j_z({\bf r})}{\lambda_e({\bf r})}



The most common value of Unbiased Geothermal Temperature Gradient away (GT) away from tectonic plate boundaries  : GT boundaries is:

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyG_T = 0.025 ÷ 0.
030 °C
035 \, \rm °C/m

The difference between Geothermal Temperature Gradient (GradTG) and Unbiased Geothermal Temperature Gradient (GradTGN) is that the former accounts for the effects of the seasonal/daily temperature variations, which are only significant above Neutral Temperature Layer

See Also


Geology / Geothermal Temperature Field

Geothermal Temperature Gradient (GradTG) ] [  Geothermal Temperature Profile (TG) ]