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Amount of heat required to change the temperature of one unit of volume by one unit of temperature:

c_v = \frac{\delta Q}{\delta V \cdot \delta T}
SymbolDimensionSI unitsOil metric unitsOil field units


M L-1 T−2 Θ−1J/(m3K)J/(m3K)


Volumetric Heat Capacity depends on the way the heat is transferred and as such is not a material property.

The two major heat transfer processes are isobaric and isohoric which define:

Isobaric volumetric heat capacityIsochoric volumetric heat capacity



Both c_{vp} and c_{vV} are material properties and properly tabulated for the vast majority of materials.

Volumetric Heat Capacity  c_v relates to Specific Heat Capacity   c_m  and density of the matter  \rho as:

(1) c_v = \frac{c_m}{\rho}

In many technical papers the "m" or "v" index is omitted which leads to confusion between  Specific Heat Capacity  c_m and Volumetric Heat Capacity  c_v.

The other confusion is made between Volumetric Heat Capacity  c_v and Isochoric Heat Capacity c_V.

For multiphase fluid in thermodynamic equilibrium the Volumetric Heat Capacity  c_v is:

(2) c_v = \sum_\alpha s_\alpha c_{v \alpha}



\alpha-phase volume share, subjected to \sum_{\alpha} s_\alpha = 1

c_{v \alpha}

\alpha-phase Volumetric Heat Capacity

See also

Physics / Thermodynamics / Thermodynamic processHeat Transfer / Heat Capacity

[ Heat ] [ Specific heat capacity ]

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