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(1) \ln {\mu}_{12} = \frac{x_1}{x_1 + \alpha \, x_2} \cdot \ln {\mu}_1 + \frac{\alpha \, x_2}{x_1 + \alpha \,x_2} \cdot \ln {\mu}_2



dynamic viscosity of fluid mixture 


dynamic viscosity of the 1st fluid component


dynamic viscosity of the 2nd fluid component


empirical model parameter


mole fraction of the 1st fluid component


mole fraction of the 2nd fluid component

The empirical parameter  \alpha can be fitted to lab data.

For \alpha = 1 it reduces to Arrhenius equation.

See also

Physics / Fluid Dynamics / Fluid Mixing Rules / Mixing Rules for Viscosity


1. E.L.Lederer,ZurTheorie derViskositätvonFlüssigkeiten,KolloidBeihefte34(1932)270-338.

2. M.Roegiers,(Sr.),L.Roegiers,Laviscositédes mélanges de fluidesnormaux,Sociétédes Huiles deCavel & Roegiers,S.A.,Gand,1946.

3. M.Roegiers,(Sr.),Discussionofthefundamental equationofviscosity,Industrial LubricationandTribology3(1951)27-29.Lube 121.indd 2713/05/2014 09:53

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