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Non-system unit of natural gas volume: 

  1 GOE  = Gas Volume [Oil Equivalent]  / Gas Volume [True]

so that  VG, oil equiv = 1 GOE  · VG, true

The most widely used industry convention is 1 GOE = 0.001 so that:

  • 1,000 m3 of gas is equivalent to 1 m3 of oil
  • 1,000 ft3  is equivalent to 0.1781  bbl  of oil
  • 5,615 ft3  is equivalent to 0.1781  bbl  of oil

The USGS convention is: 1 GOE = 0.000936 so that: 

  • 1,000 m3 of gas is equivalent to 0.936 m3 of oil
  • 1,000 ft3  is equivalent to 0.0001666  bbl  of oil
  • 6,000 ft3  is equivalent to 1 bbl  of oil

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service convention is: 1 GOE = 0.0009684 so that:  

  • 1,000 m3 of gas is equivalent to 0.9684 m3 of oil
  • 1,000 ft3  is equivalent to 0.00017248 bbl  of oil
  • 5,800 ft3  is equivalent to 1 bbl  of oil

See also

Natural Science / Engineering Measurement / Unit

[ Tonne of oil equivalent (TOE) ] [ Barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) ]

[ Oil barrel (bbl) ]

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