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(1) \rho_F(x,y) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n {\rm sgn}(x_i - \bar x) \cdot {\rm sgn}(y_i - \bar y) = \frac{C - H}{ C + H}

where  C + H = n and

C = {\sum}_{i \neq j} \{ {\rm sgn(x_i - \bar x)} = {\rm sgn(y_i - \bar y)} \} — number of pairs with the same sign of deviation from the mean value 

H = {\sum}_{i \neq j} \{ {\rm sgn(x_i - \bar x)} \neq {\rm sgn(y_i - \bar y)} \}  — number of pairs with the opposite sign of deviation from the mean value  

The Kendall correlation coefficient is similar to Spearmen correlation coefficient in nature but sometimes has advantage by a more reliable pick up a correlation in noisy data.

See also

Formal science / Mathematics / Statistics Statistical correlation 

Statistical correlation metrics @ review ] [ Pearson correlation ] [ Spearmen Correlation ] [ Kendall correlation ]

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