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Empirical explicit correlation for Darcy friction factor  f  in non-smooth pipelines  \epsilon > 0 which works for all pipe flow regimes with up to 2 % accuracy:

(1) f = \frac{64}{\rm Re} \, \Bigg [ 1+ \frac{\big(\rm Re / 8 \big)^{12} }{ \big( \Theta_1 + \Theta_2 \big)^{1.5} } \Bigg]^{1/12}
(2) \Theta_1 = \left[ 2.457 \, \ln \left( \left( \frac{7}{\rm Re} \right)^{0.9} + 0.27 \, \frac{\epsilon}{d} \right) \right]^{16}
(3) \Theta_2 = \left( \frac{37530}{\rm Re} \right)^{16}


{\rm Re}

Reynolds number of a pipe fluid flow


Inner diameter of a pipe


inner pipe walls roughness

See also

Physics / Fluid Dynamics / Pipe Flow Dynamics / Darcy–Weisbach equation / Darcy friction factor / Darcy friction factor @model

Surface roughness ]

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