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Petroleum industry maintains two major measurement unit systemsOil Metric (based on SI units) and Oil Field (based on Imperial units). 

Both Oil Metric and Oil Field have deviations from their original basement systems.

Some companies historically maintain customized unit systems at corporate level which are usually a slight variation of one of the two primary systems. 

SymbolDimensionSIOil MetricOil FieldAdditional
TimetTsd = 86,400 sd = 86,400 shr = 3,600 s
LengthLLmm = 3.281 ft' = ft = 0.3048 m

km = 103 m, cm = 10-2 m, mm = 10-3 m


ft2 = 0.09290304 m2

ac = 4,047 m2 = 43,560 ft2

ha = 10,000 m2 = 2.471 ac

VolumeVL3m3m3 = 6.289811 bbl

= 5.61 ft3 = 0.158987 m3

Mbbl = 103 bbl , MMbbl = 106 bbl

scf = ft3 = 0.0283168 m3

cc = cm3 = 1 · 10-6 m3

Mass / WeightM, mMkgkglb = 0.45359237 kgg = 10-3 kg
Pipe Diameterd, øLmm = 39.37 in" = in = 0.0254 mmm = 0.001 m= 0.0393701 in
TemperatureTΘK°C = K - 273°F = 9/5 T [°C] + 32K = 273 °C
Pressure (absolute)PM L-1 T-2Pa

kPa = 103 Pa = 0.145038 psi

MPa = 103 Pa = 145.038 psi

GPa = 106 Pa = 145,038 psi

psi = 6894.76 Pa = 6.89476 kPa

bar = 105 Pa = 100 kPa = 14.5038 psi

atm = 101,325 Pa = 101.325 kPa = 14.6959 psi

Pressure (gauge)PgaugeM L-1 T-2

PakPa(g) = kPa(abs) - 101,325 kPapsi(g) = psi(abs) - 14.6959 psi
Volumetric flow rate (oil & water)q, QL3 T-1m3/sm3/d = cmd = 1.16 · 10-5 m3/sbpd = 0.184 · 10-5 m3/s = 0.159 m3/d
Volumetric flow rate (gas)qg, QgL3 T-1m3/s

m3/d = cmd = ???scf/d = ft3/d = ???
GORYgm3/m3m3/m3 = ???scf/bbl = ???
Density (solids)ρM L-3kg/m3g/cc = 103 kg/m3g/cc = 103 kg/m3
Density (oil)ρoM L-3kg/m3g/cc = 103 kg/m3°API = (141.5/ γo) - 131.5
Specific Gravityγ1 = 103 kg/m31 = g/ccγ = ρ / ρw
CompressibilitycL T2 M-1Pa-1

kPa-1 = 10-3 Pa-1

psi-1 = 0.145 · 10-3 Pa-1 = 0.145 kPa-1
PermeabilitykL2m2md = 9.869233 · 10−7 m2md = 9.869233 · 10−7 m2D = 9.869233 · 10−13 m2
Dynamic ViscosityμM L-1 T-1Pascp10−3 Pascp10−3 Pas

1 P = 100 cp
ProductivityJL4 T M-1m3/(Pa·s)m3/(d·kPa) = 10-3 m3/(Pa·s) bpd/psi = ??? m3/(d·atm) = ???
TransmissibilityσL4 T M-1m3/(Pa·s)(md·m)/cp = 9.87 · 10-4 m3/(Pa·s) (md·ft)/cp = ???

(md·m)/cp = 8.527 · 104 cmd/kPa

m3/(d·atm) =???

Pressure diffusivityχL2 T-1m2/s(md·kPa)/cp = ??? (md·psi)/cp = ??? (md·atm)/cp = ???
Wellbore storageWBS, CSL4 T2 M-1m3/Pam3/kPa = ??? bbl/psi = ???
Thermal conductivityλM L T-3 Θ-1W/(m·K)W/(m·°C) = ??? BTU/(hrft°F) = ???
Specific heat capacitycpM L2 T-2 Θ-1J/KkJ/°C = ??? kJ/°F = ???
Thermal diffusivityaL2 T-1m2/sm2/s

ft2/s = ???

See also

Petroleum Industry (Oil & Gas Industry) 

Volume units used in petroleum engineering ]

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