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The key simulation engine of MRT is pressure convolutionPressure Convolution which is based on Unit-rate Transient Responses (UTR) retrieved from Production rates / PDG data history by means of pressure deconvolutionPressure Deconvolution.

It does not require new data acquisition at well site and makes use of historical dynamic data records, usually few months or longer.


Petroleum Industry / Upstream /  Production / Subsurface Production / Field Study & Modelling / Production Analysis

MRT @sample ] [ MRT @workflow ]

Material Balance Analysis ] [ Capacitance Resistance Model (CRMpermanent downhole gauges (PDG) ] Pressure convolution] [ Pressure deconvolution Convolution  ] [ Pressure Transient Analysis (PTA)Deconvolution ] 
Multiwell Deconvolution (MDCV) ]

Radial Deconvolution (RDCV) ][ RDCV @model ]RDCV @sample ]

Cross-well Deconvolution (XDCV) ]XDCV @model ]XDCV @sample ] 

Material Balance Analysis ] [ Capacitance Resistance Model (CRM) ] Pressure Transient Analysis (PTA) ]