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LaTeX Math Inline

time and space corrdinates ,

LaTeX Math Inline
body z
-axis is orientated towards the Earth centre,

LaTeX Math Inline
define transversal plane to the
LaTeX Math Inline
body z

LaTeX Math Inline
body\mathbf{r} = (x, \ y, \ z)

position vector at which the flow equations are set

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyq_{mW} = \frac{d m_W}{dt}

speed of water-component mass change in wellbore draining points

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyq_{mO} = \frac{d m_O}{dt}

speed of oil-component mass change in wellbore draining points

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyq_{mG} = \frac{d m_G}{dt}

speed of gas-component mass change in wellbore draining points

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyq_W = \frac{1}{\rho_W^{\LARGE \circ}} \frac{d m_W}{dt} = \frac{d V_{Ww}^{\LARGE \circ}}{dt} = \frac{1}{B_w} q_w

volumetric water-component flow rate in wellbore draining points recalculated to standard surface conditions

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyq_O = \frac{1}{\rho_O^{\LARGE \circ}} \frac{d m_O}{dt} = \frac{d V_{Oo}^{\LARGE \circ}}{dt} + \frac{d V_{Og}^{\LARGE \circ}}{dt} = \frac{1}{B_o} q_o + \frac{R_v}{B_g} q_g

volumetric oil-component flow rate in wellbore draining points recalculated to standard surface conditions

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyq_G = \frac{1}{\rho_G^{\LARGE \circ}} \frac{d m_G}{dt} = \frac{d V_{Gg}^{\LARGE \circ}}{dt} + \frac{d V_{Go}^{\LARGE \circ}}{dt} = \frac{1}{B_g} q_g + \frac{R_s}{B_o} q_o

volumetric gas-component flow rate in wellbore draining points recalculated to standard surface conditions

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyq_w = \frac{d V_w}{dt}

volumetric water-phase flow rate in wellbore draining points

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyq_o = \frac{d V_o}{dt}

volumetric oil-phase flow rate in wellbore draining points

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyq_g = \frac{d V_g}{dt}

volumetric gas-phase flow rate in wellbore draining points

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyq^S_W =\frac{dV_{Ww}^S}{dt}

total well volumetric water-component flow rate

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyq^S_O = \frac{d (V_{Oo}^S + V_{Og}^S )}{dt}

total well volumetric oil-component flow rate

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyq^S_G = \frac{d (V_{Gg}^S + V_{Go}^S )}{dt}

total well volumetric gas-component flow rate

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyq^S_L = q^S_W + q^S_O

total well volumetric liquid-component flow rate

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyP_w = P_w (t, \vec r)

water-phase pressure pressure distribution and dynamics

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyP_o = P_o (t, \vec r)

oil-phase pressure pressure distribution and dynamics

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyP_g = P_g (t, \vec r)

gas-phase pressure pressure distribution and dynamics

LaTeX Math Inline
body\vec u_w = \vec u_w (t, \vec r)

water-phase flow speed distribution and dynamics

LaTeX Math Inline
body\vec u_o = \vec u_o (t, \vec r)

oil-phase flow speed distribution and dynamics

LaTeX Math Inline
body\vec u_g = \vec u_g (t, \vec r)

gas-phase flow speed distribution and dynamics

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyP_{cow} = P_{cow} (s_w)

capillary pressure at the oil-water phase contact as function of water saturation

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyP_{cog} = P_{cog} (s_ g)

capillary pressure at the oil-gas phase contact as function of gas saturation

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyk_{rw} = k_{rw}(s_w, \ s_g)

relative formation permeability to water flow as function of water and gas saturation

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyk_{ro} = k_{ro}(s_w, \ s_g)

relative formation permeability to oil flow as function of water and gas saturation

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyk_{rg} = k_{rg}(s_w, \ s_g)

relative formation permeability to gas flow as function of water and gas saturation

LaTeX Math Inline
body\phi = \phi(P)

porosity as function of formation pressure

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyk_a = k_a(P)

absolute formation permeability to air

LaTeX Math Inline
body\vec g = (0, \ 0, \ g)

gravitational acceleration vector

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyg = 9.81 \ m/s^2

gravitational acceleration constant

LaTeX Math Inline

water-phase density

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oil-phase density

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gas-phase density

LaTeX Math Inline
body\lambda_t(P,T,s_w, s_o, s_g)

effective thermal conductivity of the rocks with account for multiphase fluid saturation

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rock matrix thermal conductivity

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thermal conductivity of the

LaTeX Math Inline
-phase fluid

LaTeX Math Inline

rock matrix mass density

LaTeX Math Inline
body\eta_{s \alpha}(P,T)

differential adiabatic coefficient of the

LaTeX Math Inline
-phase fluid

LaTeX Math Inline

удельная изобарическая теплоемкость пород

specific isobaric heat capacity of the rock matrix

LaTeX Math Inline

specific isobaric heat capacity of удельная изобарическая теплоемкость фазы

LaTeX Math Inline
-phase fluid

LaTeX Math Inline
body \epsilon_\alpha (P, T)

differential Joule–Thomson coefficient of

LaTeX Math Inline
-phase fluid

дифференциальный коэффициент Джоуля-Томсона фазы 

LaTeX Math Inline