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Комплексирование различных методов ПГИ и ЦСК  и в рамках одного исследования позволяют составить более точное представление о динамических процессах в скважине, чем отдельные методы.



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  26. Salim Ghalem, D. Elyes Draoui, Ayman Mahamed et al. 2012. Innovative Noise and High-Precision Temperature Logging Tool for Diagnosing Complex Well Problems. SPE-161712 presented at the Abu-Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference held in Abu-Dhabi, UAE, 11-14 November.

  27. A.A. Lutfullin, A.R. Abdrahimov, I.N. Shigapov, I.Yu. Aslanyan, A.M. Aslanyan, R.K. Kuzyutin et al. 2014. Identification of Behind-Casing Flowing Reservoir Intervals by the Integrated High-Precision Temperature and Spectral Noise Logging Techniques. SPE-171251-MS presented at the SPE Russian Oiland Gas Exploration and Production Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Moscow, Russia, 14-16 October.

  28. Arthur Aslanyan, Irina Aslanyan, Andrey Salamatin, Andrey Karuzin, Yulia Fesina et al. 2014. Numerical Temperature Modelling for Quantitative Analysis of Low-Compressible Fluid Production. SPE 172090 presented at the Abu-Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference held in Abu-Dhabi, UAE, 10-13 November.

  29. A. Aslanyan, I. Aslanyan, A. Arbuzov, B. Zagidullin et al. 2014. Time-Domain Magnetic Defectoscopy for Tubing and Casing Corrosion Detection. SPE 169601 presented at the SPE International Oilfield Corrosion Conferencу and Exhibition held in Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 12-13 May 2014.

  30. Ihab, N. M., El-Hamawi, M., Rasheed A.H. Arthur, A.A., Filenev, M., Aslanyan I.Yu., Bargouthi J., Salim, B., Leak Detection By Temperature And Noise Logging. 2012. Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 11-14 November.

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