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In order to translate pressure from downhole gauge to the Datum one needs to:


Estimate gauge readings at formation top  p_{\rm top} using the wellbore fluid density  \rho_f gradient

(1) p_{\rm top}(t) = p_{\rm gauge}(t) + g \cdot \int_{z_{\rm gauge}}^{z_{\rm top}} \rho_f(z) dz

Recalculate the pressure at formation top to the Datum using regional hydrostatic pressure gradient  GP

(2) p_{\rm dat}(t) = p_{\rm top}(t) + GP \cdot (z_{\rm dat} - z _{\rm top})


z_{\rm gauge}

TVDss of downhoile gauge

z_{\rm top}

TVDss of formation top

p_{\rm gauge}(t)

gauge pressure readings

p_{\rm top}(t)

estimated wellbore pressure at formation top

p_{\rm dat}(t)

estimated Datum Pressure


regional hydrostatic pressure gradient


 wellbore fluid density as function of TVDSS


Standard gravity constant

When wellbore fluid density is fairly constant between the gauge location and formation top then one can simplify the Datum Pressure calculation to:

(3) p_{\rm dat}(t) = p_{\rm gauge}(t) + g \cdot \rho_f \cdot (z_{\rm top} - z_{\rm gauge}) + GP \cdot (z_{\rm dat} - z _{\rm top})

In flowing conditions the equations  (1) and  (3) are both inaccurate as they do not  account for pressure losses due to friction.

The equation  (1) should be replaced with a proper solver for wellbore pressure profile.

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Pressure TestingProduction Analysis

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