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Description of a 
System behavior in response to the parameters to which the system is sensitive to (see Fig. 1). 

Modern Models are usually implemented in the form of a computer software which provides interface to:

Supply the Model Inputs

Initiate a Model Run 

Retrieve the Model Outputs

Fig. 1. Schematic of Model's components, including Model Inputs, Model Outputs and Model Solver

It normally follows the Model Description Protocol:

MotivationExplains the reasons why a Model may come in need
InputsA list of System properties which Model takes as input
OutputsA list of System properties which Model simulates based on the Model Inputs
Model PropositionA list of assumptions/constraints which have been put into the Model
Model MathematicsDefinition of the Model using mathematical concepts and mathematical language
Model SolverDescription of the solution algorithm to the Mathematical Model
ApproximationsSimplified solver(s) for rough estimations and fast track analysis of a System's behavior
Model MatchingDescription of algorithm of matching the Model to the training data
ApplicationsA list of popular Model applications and limitations
Examples (Cases)A list of practical cases showing Model functionality and usefulness and limitations

System may have many Models depending on which System properties are taken as Model Inputs and Model Outputs.

The Model may have some governing properties which can be trained to make Model output fit the experimental data.

The results of the training should be qualified by means of Model Validation.

See also

Human / Science / Formal Science / System Science

Model Solver ][ Model Run ][ Model Validation ][ Model Matching ]

[ Mathematics ][ Analytical Model ]Numerical Model ]

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