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Normalised dimensionless difference between the sandface bottomhole pressure (BHP)  p_{wf}(t)  and the sandface reservoir pressure  \displaystyle p({\bf r}, t) |_{r = r_w} at the well-reservoir contact.

(1) S_G = \frac{2 \pi \sigma}{q_t} \left[ p_{wf}(t) - p({\bf r}, t) |_{r = r_w} \right]



total sandface rate


formation transmissibility at the well-reservoir contact: r = r_w

It characterises the pressure drop at well-reservoir contact due to well-reservoir contact geometry.

The geometrical skin is negative for fractured wells and slanted.

It also negative for horizontal wells when lateral permeability is not much lower than vertical.

The geometrical skin is positive for limited entry wells.

For the fractured vertical well the geometrical skin-factor  S_G is related to Fracture half-length  X_f as:

(2) S_G = - \ln \left(\frac{X_f}{2\, r_w} \right)

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Well Testing / Pressure Testing

Well & Reservoir Surveillance ] [ Skin-factor (total)Skin-factor (mechanical) ]

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