
\rho_P(x,y) = \frac{{\rm cov}(x,y)}{\sigma(x) \sigma(y)}



finite arrays of -variable and -variable values

covariance between -variable and -variable


standard deviation of -variable and -variable

Pearson correlation coefficient ranges between -1 and 1 and indicates how accurately the two variables can be approximated by a linear correlation:

y_i = a \, x_i + b, \quad \forall \, i=1..n

with a certain pick on  and .

Fig. 1. Highly correlated variablesFig. 2. Poorly correlated variablesFig. 3. Highly anti-correlated variables

See also

Formal science / Mathematics / Statistics Statistical correlation 

Statistical correlation metrics @ review ] [ Spearmen Correlation ] [ Kendall correlation ] [ Fehner correlation ]