\rho_w(T, p) = \rho_{w0}(T, p) / B_w(T, p)
\rho_w^*}(T, p) = 62.368 + 0.438603 \cdot S + 0.00160074 \cdot S^2 



Water density with salinity at temperature and pressure

Pure water density (with zero salinity ) at temperature and pressure


Temperature, °F 


Pressure, psi 

Water salinity,  wt%

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Petroleum Engineering / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Reservoir Engineering (RE) / PVT correlations / PVT Water correlations / Water viscosity correlations


McCain, W.D.. "Reservoir-Fluid Property Correlations-State of the Art (includes associated papers 23583 and 23594 )." SPE Res Eng 6 (1991): 266–272. doi: https://doi.org/10.2118/18571-PA