
In multiphase flow the Darcy friction factor can be calculated as Darcy friction factor Single-phase @model with specific approximation of Reynolds number:

{\rm Re} = \frac{\rho_L \, u_L^2 \, A_L + \rho_g \, u_g^2 \, A_g}{\mu_L \, u_L \, \sqrt{A_L} + \mu_g \, u_g \, \sqrt{A_g}}


liquid density

gas density

liquid velocity

gas velocity

cross-sectional area occupied by liquid 

cross-sectional area occupied by gas 

liquid viscoisty

gas viscosity

Reynolds number represent the ration of intertial forces to viscous forces:

{\rm Re} = \frac{\rm Intertial \ Forces}{\rm Viscocus \ Forces}

See also

Physics / Fluid Dynamics / Pipe Flow Dynamics / Darcy–Weisbach equation / Darcy friction factor 


L. E. Ortiz-Vidala, N. Mureithib, and O. M. H. Rodrigueza ,TWO-PHASE FRICTION FACTOR IN GAS-LIQUID PIPE FLOW, Engenharia Térmica (Thermal Engineering), Vol. 13, No. 2, December 2014, p. 81-88

Shannak, B. A., 2008, Frictional Pressure Drop of Gas Liquid Two-Phase Flow in Pipes, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 238, pp. 3277-3284., doi.org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2008.08.015