
One of the key challenges in Pipe Flow Dynamics is to predict the pressure distribution along the pipe during the stationary fluid transport.

In many practical cases the stationary pressure distribution can be approximated by Isothermal or Quasi-isothermal homogenous fluid flow model.

Pipeline Flow Pressure Model is addressing this problem with account of the varying pipeline trajectory, gravity effects and fluid friction with pipeline walls.


Pressure distribution along the pipe

Flowrate distribution along the pipe

Flow velocity distribution along the pipe


Intake temperature 

Along-pipe temperature profile 

Intake pressure 

Intake flowrate 

Pipeline trajectory TVDss

Pipe cross-section area  

Inner pipe wall roughness


Stationary flowHomogenous flowIsothermal or Quasi-isothermal conditions

Constant cross-section pipe area along hole


Pressure profile along the pipe

F(p, l)= \int_{p_0}^p \frac{dp}{\rho} -g \, \Delta z(l)
+ 0.5 \cdot j_m^2 \cdot \left[ 

\left(  \frac{f}{\rho^2} + \frac{f_0}{\rho_0^2}   \right)  
\cdot \frac{l}{ 2 \, d} +

\left(  \frac{1}{\rho^2} - \frac{1}{\rho_0^2}   \right)  

 = 0


mass flux

mass flowrate

Intake volumetric flowrate

Intake fluid density 

elevation drop along pipe trajectory

Darcy friction factor 

Reynolds number in Pipe Flow

dynamic viscosity as function of fluid temperature  and pressure 

characteristic linear dimension of the pipe

(or exactly a pipe diameter in case of a circular pipe)

See Pressure Profile in Stationary Quasi-Isothermal Homogenous Pipe Flow @model

See also

Physics / Fluid Dynamics / Pipe Flow Dynamics / Pipe Flow Simulation / Pressure Profile in Stationary Quasi-Isothermal Homogenous Pipe Flow @model

Darcy friction factor ] [ Darcy friction factor @model ] [ Reynolds number in Pipe Flow ]

Homogenous Pipe Flow Temperature Profile @model ]


Pressure loss in pipe @ 
R. Shankar, Pipe Flow Calculations, Clarkson University [PDF]
Pressure loss in chokes @ Studopedia