The most general Pump model is given as (see Fig. 1):

p_{\rm out}=  p_{\rm in} + F(q, p_{\rm in}) 

where  is called pump characteristic curve.

In most practical cases pump characteristic curve has negligible dependence on intake pressure 

p_{\rm out} = p_{\rm in} +  \delta p_{\rm max} \cdot \cdot F(q/q_{\rm max}) 

where  and .

The pump characteristic curve  can be usually approximated by the following equation:

F(x)= 1 - (1- x^m)^n

and usually  and : .

Fig. 1. Pump Characteristic Curve

See also

Natural Science / Engineering / Device / Pump


Matthew Amao, Electrical Submersible Pumping (ESP) Systems, March 09, 2014

Он-лайн калькулятор трубопроводной сети