
Rate of Geothermal Temperature  change along True Vertical Direction:

{\rm Grad} \, T_G({\bf r}) = \frac{\partial T_G}{\partial z}

Fig. 1. Schematic view of the Earth's Geothermal Temperature Gradient.Fig. 2. A sample of view of Geothermal Temperature Gradient in  Earth's crust.

The difference between Geothermal Temperature Gradient (GradT) and Unbiased Geothermal Temperature Gradient (GT) is that the former accounts for the effects of the seasonal/daily temperature variations ( which are mostly noticeable above Neutral Temperature Layer ). 

The most common value of Geothermal Temperature Gradient away from tectonic plate boundaries is: GT = 0.025 ÷ 0.030 °C/m. 

See Also

Geology / Geothermal Temperature Field

Unbiased Geothermal Temperature Gradient (GT) ] [  Geothermal Temperature Profile (TG) ]