
A device measuring the difference between the  incoming fluid flow temperature and the temperature of artificially heated fluid (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Thermoanemometer sensor schematic .

Mathematical Model

The temperature difference is related to thermal properties of fluid () and flow velocity :

\Delta T = \frac{q \, r}{\lambda}\frac{1}{\rm Nu}

The calibration plot is usually set in  coordinates or in cae of a small velocity range in  coordinates. 

See also

Physics / Mechanics / Continuum mechanics / Fluid Mechanics / Fluid Dynamics

Physics / Thermodynamics / Heat Transfer /  Heat Transfer Coefficient (HTC)

Thermal conductivity ][ Nusselt Number ]

Н. И. Михеев, Закономерности теплообмена термоанемометрической нити, 2010

Д.Н. Кузнецов, Моделирование термоанемометров на основе термисторов, 2012