The momentum balance equation relating a pressure gradient  in subsurface reservoir with the induced fluid flow :

-  \nabla p = \frac{\mu}{k} \, {\bf u} + \beta \, \rho \,  | {\bf u} | \, {\bf u}


flow velocity vector

pressure gradient

formation permeability 

fluid viscosity

Forchheimer coefficient

Forchheimer coefficient depends on flow regime and formation permeability as:

\beta = \frac{C_E}{\sqrt{k}}

where   is dimensionless quantity called Ergun constant accounting for inertial (kinetic) effects and depending on flow regime only.

  is small for the slow flow (thus reducing Forchheimer equation to Darcy equation) and grows quickly for high flow velocities.

Forchheimer equation can be approximated by non-linear permeability model as:

{\bf u} =  - \frac{k}{\mu} \, k_f \, \nabla p


k_f(|\nabla p|) =  \frac{2}{w} \big[ 1- \sqrt{1-w}   \big]


w = 4 \, \left(\frac{k}{\mu} \right)^2 \, \beta \, \rho \,  |\nabla p| \, < \, 1

See also

Physics /  Fluid Dynamics / Percolation

Darcy Flow Equation ]