A set of mathematical models relating production rate history of one well to its bottomhole pressure history and offset injection rates history.

In case the bottomhole pressure data is not available it is considered constant over time.

The CRM is trained over historical records of production rate, injection rates and bottomhole pressure variation.

The major assumptions in CRM model are:


Identify and prioritise production optimization opportunities
Identify and prioritise redevelopment opportunities
Identify and prioritise surveillance opportunities


Generate production and formation pressure forecasts based on the bottom-hole pressure and injection rates
Assess productivity index of producing wells
Assess dynamic drainage volume around producing wells
Quantify connectivity between injectors and producers
Assess water flood efficiency against expectations and / or between wells or well groups


Based on the robust input data

Does not involve full-field 3D dynamic modelling and associated assumptions


It only models injector-producer system
Requires eventful history of injection rates variations
Requires productivity index of producers to stay constant
Requires production sharing between producers stay approximately the same throughout the time


CRM trains linear correlation between variation of production rates against variation of injection rates with account of bottom-hole pressure history in producers.

against material balance and require current FDP volumetrics, PVT and SCAL models. 

The CRM has certain specifics for oil producers, water injectors, gas injectors and field/sector analysis. 

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream /  Production / Subsurface Production / Field Study & Modelling / Production Analysis

Capacitance-Resistivity Model @model





  • Assess current production performance

    • current distribution of recovery against expectations

    • current status and trends of recovery against expectations

    • current status and trends of reservoir depletion against expectations
    • current status and trends of water flood efficiency against expectations

    • compare performance of different wells or different groups of wells 

  • Identify and prioritize surveillance opportunities

  • Identify and prioritize redevelopment opportunities