The scheduled production rate and injection rate.

In Field Development Planning (FDP) the  FDP Production Targets set the schedule for full-field production rate and injection rate.

In Well & Reservoir Management (WRM) the WRM Production Targets set the schedule for the individual Production Well Targets and Injection Well Targets, in order to achieve the FDP Production Targets.

The production rates may be set directly via pump settings or calculated based on THP and formation pressure  (which is a usual case in injection wells):

q^{\uparrow} = J \cdot ( p_e - p_{wf} )
q^{\downarrow}_{WI} = J_{WI} \cdot ( p_{wf} - p_e )
q^{\downarrow}_{GI} = J_{GI} \cdot ( p_{wf} - p_e )

Producing wells may spontaneously vary between Constant rate production: qL = const and Constant pressure production: pwf = const (see Constant rate production: qL = const for alternation details).

There are different methods to calculate optimal Production Targets (see  Production Targets Optimisation @model).

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Production / Field Development Plan

Subsurface Production / Well & Reservoir Management 

Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Production Technology 

Constant rate production: qL = const ] [ Constant pressure production: pwf = const ] 

 [ Production Targets Optimisation @model ]