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LaTeX Math Block
\frac{\partial (\rho_m A)}{\partial t} + \frac{\partial}{\partial l} \bigg( A \, \sum_\alpha \rho_\alpha \, u_\alpha \bigg) = 0
LaTeX Math Block
anchorgradP NS
\frac{dp}{dl} = \rho_m \, g \, \sin \theta - \sum_\alpha \rho_\alpha \bigg[ \frac{\partial u_\alpha}{\partial t} + u_\alpha \frac{\partial u_\alpha}{\partial l} \bigg]  = - \frac{dp}{dl} + \rho_m \, g \, \sin \theta - \frac{ f_m \, \rho_m \, u_m^2 \, }{2 d}


The disambiguation of the properties in the above equation is brought in The list of dynamic flow properties and model parameters.

Equation  Equations  

LaTeX Math Block Reference
 defines the continuity of the fluid components flow or equivalently represent the mass conservation of each mass component 
LaTeX Math Inline
body\{ m_W, \ m_O, \ m_G \}
 during its transportation along wellbore. 

Equation Equations

LaTeX Math Block Reference
anchorgradP NS
 define  defines the motion dynamics of each phase (called Navier–Stokes equation), represented as linear correlation between phase flow speed  
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body\bar u_\alpha
 and partial pressure gradient profile of this phase mutliphase fluid
LaTeX Math Inline
body\bar \nabla P_\alpha

The term 

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body\sum_\alpha \rho_\alpha \ c_{p \alpha} \ u_\alpha \frac{\partial T}{\partial l}
 represents heat convection defined by the wellbore mass flow. 
