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Versions Compared


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LaTeX Math Block
q(t)=q_0 \cdot \exp \left[ -D_0{\infty} \cdot \left( t+ a \cdot t^{-n}\right)  \right] 

LaTeX Math Block
D(t) = D_0{\infty} \cdot ( 1 + a\cdot (1-n) \cdot t^{-n} )


LaTeX Math Inline
bodyq_0 = q(t=0)

Initial production rate of a well (or groups of wells)

LaTeX Math Inline
body--uriencoded--D_%7B\infty%7D > 0

the trend apex value of Production Decrement at infinite time

LaTeX Math Inline

model parameter characterizing deceleration of production decline

LaTeX Math Inline
bodyn > 0

model parameter characterizing characterizing deceleration of production decline

LaTeX Math Inline
body--uriencoded--\displaystyle D(t) =- \frac%7Bdq%7D%7BdQ%7D

Production Decrement (the higher the

LaTeX Math Inline
the stronger is decline)

LaTeX Math Inline
body--uriencoded--\displaystyle Q(t)=\int_0%5et q(t) dt

cumulative production


DCA Power Law decline is an empirical correlation for production from both finite-reserves 

LaTeX Math Inline
body--uriencoded--Q_%7B\rm max%7D \leq \infty
or infinite-reserves 
LaTeX Math Inline
body--uriencoded--Q_%7B\rm max%7D = \infty

The original form of DCA Power Law decline was developed as correction of Arps for tight gas and shales
