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A state of a thermodynamic system which is in thermal, mechanical, and chemical equilibrium.

Specifically it is achieved at:

Maximum Entropy 

S \rightarrow \rm max

A(T, V) \rightarrow \rm min

G(p, T) \rightarrow \rm min

for isolated system

for a system with T = {\rm const} , \ V = {\rm const}

for a system with p = {\rm const} , \ T = {\rm const}

Particularly in Fluid Dynamics it means that:

(1) G \rightarrow \rm min \ \Leftrightarrow \mathrm{d}G = 0

The Gibbs free energy is at minimum

(2) T= \rm const

the fluid temperature is constant at any moment of time t and spatial location {\bf r} = (x,y,z) of a fluid flow

(3) p=\rm const

the fluid pressure is constant at any moment of time t and spatial location {\bf r} = (x,y,z) of a fluid flow

(4) \rho = \rho(p, T)=\rm const

fluid density is a function of pressure p and temperature T only

(5) \mu = \mu(p, T)=\rm const

fluid viscosity is a function of pressure p and temperature T only

(6) \lambda = \lambda(p, T)=\rm const

fluid thermal conductivity is a function of pressure p and temperature T only

(7) c_p = c_p(p, T)=\rm const

fluid isobaric specific heat capacity is a function of pressure p and temperature T only

(8) \alpha = \alpha(p, T)=\rm const

fluid Joule–Thomson coefficient is a function of pressure p and temperature T only

See also

Natural Science / Physics / Thermodynamics / Thermodynamic system 

Vapour Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) ]

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