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The general form of non-linear 
single-phase pressure diffusion @model with the finite number of wells  is given by: 

(1) \phi \cdot c_t \cdot \partial_t p + \nabla {\bf u} + c \cdot ( {\bf u} \, \nabla p) = \sum_k q_k(t) \cdot \delta({\bf r}-{\bf r}_k)
(2) {\bf u} = - M \cdot ( \nabla p - \rho \, {\bf g})
(3) {\rm F}_{\Gamma}(p, {\bf u}) = 0


p(t, {\bf r})

reservoir pressure



\rho({\bf r},p)

fluid density 

{\bf r }

position vector

\phi({\bf r}, p)

effective porosity 

{\bf r }_k

position vector of the k-th source

c_t({\bf r},p)

total compressibility 

\delta ( \bf r )

Dirac delta function

M = k / \mu


gradient operator


formation permeability to a given fluid

{ \bf g }

gravity vector


dynamic viscosity of a given  fluid

{ \bf u }

fluid velocity under Darcy flow 


sandface flowrates of the k-th well


reservoir boundary

{\rm F}_{\Gamma}(p, {\bf u})

reservoir boundary flow condition through the reservoir boundary \Gamma, which is usually the  aquifer or gas cap

The alternative form is to write down equations  (1) and  (2) in reservoir volume outside wellbore and match the solution to the fluid flux through the well-reservoir contact:

(4) \phi \cdot c_t \cdot \partial_t p + \nabla {\bf u} + c \cdot ( {\bf u} \, \nabla p) = 0
(5) {\bf u} = - M \cdot ( \nabla p - \rho \, {\bf g})
(6) \int_{\Sigma_k} \, {\bf u} \, d {\bf \Sigma} = q_k(t)
(7) {\rm F}_{\Gamma}(p, {\bf u}) = 0



well-reservoir contact of the  k-th well

d {\bf \Sigma}

normal vector of differential area on the well-reservoir contact, pointing inside wellbore


sandface flowrates at the  k-th well (could be injecting to or producing from the reservoir )

Physical models of pressure diffusion can be split into two categories: Newtonian and Rheological (non-Newtonian) based on the fluid stress model.

Mathematical models of pressure diffusion can be split into three categories: LinearPseudo-Linear and Non-linear

These models are built using Numerical, Analytical or Hybrid pressure diffusion solvers.

Many popular 1DR solutions can be approximated by Radial Flow Pressure Diffusion @model which has a big methodological value.

The simplest analytical solutions for pressure diffusion are given by 1DL Linear-Drive Solution (LDS) and 1DR Line Source Solution (LSS).

See also

Physics / Mechanics / Continuum mechanics / Fluid Mechanics / Fluid Dynamics / Pressure Diffusion / Pressure Diffusion @model

[ Aquifer Drive Models ] [ Gas Cap Drive Models ]

[ Linear single-phase pressure diffusion @model ]

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