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SHF capillary pressure model

Physical method based on the following formula:

(1) s_{wi}(h)=P_{cow}^{-1}[(\rho_w -\rho_o) g (h-h_{FWL})]

based on implicit solution of the constant pressure gradient equation:

(2) (\rho_w -\rho_o) \cdot g \cdot (h-h_{FWL}) = P_{cow}(s_{wi})

where \rho_o=\rho_o(T_i, \, p_i) и  \rho_w=\rho_w(T_i, \, p_i) – oil and water densities at initial formation temperature T_i and pressure p_i.

This model requires reliable and representative data bank on capillary pressure at sandface conditions.

SHF Skelt-Harrison model 

Empirical method based on the following formula:

(3) s_{wi}(h) = 1 - a \exp \left( -\left(\frac{b}{h-h_{FWL}+d}\right)^c \right)

where model parameters  \{ a, \ b, \ c, \ d \}  are calibrated on water saturation from OH logs for each lithofacies or petrotype individually.

The coefficient  c is related to FWL correction but usually set the same for all lithofacies / petrotypes of a given reservoir unit.

If core data is abundant then one can build a reasonable correlation of model parameters on porosity  \phi and/or permeability k_a:

(4) a = a(\phi, k_a), \; b = b(\phi, k_a), \; c = c(\phi, k_a)

SHF Cuddy model

Empirical method based on the following formula:

(5) s_{wi}(h) = \frac{b}{\phi} \; (h-h_{FWL}-c)^{\ a}

where model parameters  \{ a, \ b, \ c \}  are calibrated on water saturation from OH logs for each lithofacies or petrotype individually.

The coefficient  c is related to FWL correction but usually set the same for all lithofacies / petrotypes of a given reservoir unit.

If core data is abundant then one can build a reasonable correlation of model parameters on porosity  \phi and/or permeability k_a:

(6) a = a(\phi, k_a), \; b = b(\phi, k_a), \; c = c(\phi, k_a)

See also

Physics /  Fluid Dynamics / Percolation

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Field Study & Modelling / Petrophysics / Saturation Height Function (SHF)

Basic reservoir properties ]



SPE 71326, B. Harrison (Enterprise Oil), X.D. Jing (Imperial College, London), Saturation Height Methods and Their Impact on Volumetric Hydrocarbon in Place

Estimates, 2001

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